
No Good Men

This is the most common complaint I hear from women of all ages

Destruction of Children Learning Risk and Self Regulation

This video talks of Societal damage from Behaviour, Sexual, and Child Developmental over regulation

Future for your Daughters

If you want your daughters to have real choice, there needs to be those freedoms in the country they are living in.

Future of the Country

If Feminism is important to you. If you want your daughters to be allowed to practice feminism, you need a population and a government who allows it!

Destruction of Happiness

Is this what you want for yourself? Is this this what you want to teach your children?

Societal Division

If you haven’t already worked out for yourself how the current brand of Man-Bashing Feminist control is dividing Western society, maybe you need to take a look how that division is caused and at a country that’s a little further down the segregation road than us .

If that’s the future you want for your kids, Cool! I won’t be here to see it and my young bloke will almost certainly be educated enough by his own career to understand all likely outcomes.

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